Monday, March 8, 2010

i hate everything about applying and waiting back to hear from grad schools.

everything everything everything.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Obviously, I have been a chef in a former life.

Monday, March 1, 2010

NOT angry.

My least favorite drinks to make at work:

-Americano with steamed milk. Do you know what this is? This is a latte with water. This is bullshit. I've started charging extra for the steamed milk. Of course there are times when I have left over milk from an ACTUAL latte, but there are many times I do not and thus have to poor milk and steam it for your SHORT americano with an inch of steamed milk?!?! A short is only 8 ounces to begin with. I hate you.

-16 or 2o ounce cappucino. THESE DO NOT EXIST ASSHOLE. All Italians hate you.

-Triple Decaf Americano. What the hell is the point of getting an extra shot of DECAF espresso? Just get drip if you need the coffee coffee taste. And then telling me about how your shift is extra long today? Really? This is a waste of time.

-A 20 ounce anything. Your drink is too big. Especially you, Raymond. You are already super overweight and your extra sugar free vanilla syrup in the morning does not make up for your 20 ounces of whole milk or the fact that in the afternoon you get a 20 ounce hot chocolate (NOT sugar free) with vanilla (NOT sugar free) and whole milk again. It does not. Also, stop stalking me.

-Soy Chai latte with a shot of espresso. This is very wrong and you are fooling yourself into thinking it tastes good.

-Italian Sodas with cream and whip cream. GROW UP. Buy a pop.

-Anytime you ask me to put a sugar in your drink. THE SUGAR IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU YOU ARE A LAZY ASS.

I'm sure there are more.