Some of the things I do-I just don't understand them. WHY do I insist on eating a HUGE lunch everyday, getting sleepy and thus not studying as much as I should in the afternoon? WHY can I never seem to sleep enough? WHY am I living in a dorm? WHY do I stalk certain people via convenient social stalking websites and then compare my life to "theirs" when really all I know about their lives is what they post on a social stalking website, which, I know from personal use, is not a representation of who a person is at all? WHY are cracked pepper olive oil triscuits so good? WHY is it so hard to stick to a very strict workout regime? WHY is trader joe's so far away from GULC? HOW did I get into this school? HOW is my hearing so damaged I can barely hear professors? WHO in their right minds ever thought to tell me this career path was a good idea? WHO DESIGNS JEANS AND WHY DON'T THEY DESIGN THEM FOR MY PARTICULAR BODY TYPE?
Just a few questions.
This post made me miss you even more than I already do.... :P COME BACK!!!